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Why Hiring Professional Laminate Floor Cleaning Services is Essential 

TL;DR: Laminate flooring’s popularity stems from its aesthetics, durability, and affordability. Regular maintenance, including DIY cleaning and occasional professional services, preserves its look and lifespan. Professional cleaning ensures deep cleaning and protection. Avoid common misconceptions like neglecting laminate’s maintenance needs or using excessive water for cleaning. Higher Standard offers expert laminate floor cleaning for effective maintenance and longevity.


Laminate flooring has gained significant popularity among homeowners in recent years. Due to its aesthetic appeal, durability, and affordability, its demand has significantly increased. Laminate floors are a cost-effective alternative without compromising on style by mimicking stone flooring and the appearance of hardwood. 

Composed of multiple layers of expertly fused synthetic materials, this type of flooring not only provides a visually pleasing option but also ensures functionality and longevity. With its numerous advantages, laminate flooring has become a go-to choice for many people.

Laminate floors are relatively easy to maintain but do require regular maintenance of their appearance and longevity. By following these tips for upkeep and investing in professional laminate floor cleaning services at least once or twice a year, you can ensure your floors’ long-lasting beauty and durability.

Importance of Regular Maintenance for Laminate Floors

While laminate floors are widely recognized for their exceptional durability, it is important to note that they still necessitate consistent and diligent maintenance to preserve their pristine appearance. 

Engaging in regular cleaning and maintenance practices not only serves to enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your floors but also significantly extends their lifespan. By diligently removing any accumulated dirt, dust, and debris, you effectively mitigate the risk of unsightly scratches or potential damage to the surface of your laminate flooring. 

Furthermore, implementing routine maintenance measures plays a crucial role in upholding the integrity of the protective layer that safeguards the laminate, effectively preventing it from succumbing to wear and tear over time.

DIY Laminate Floor Cleaning Tips

If you have laminate floors in your home, you can take a few simple steps to keep them clean and well-maintained. Remove loose dirt particles by sweeping or vacuuming the surface. 

It’s helpful in protecting the surface from any scratches or damage. Make sure you use a soft-bristle broom for sweeping or a vacuum cleaner with a hardwood floor attachment for vacuuming to ensure that you are not causing any damage to the laminate flooring in your home.

For regular cleaning, use a mop or a microfiber cloth and a mild cleaning solution. It’s recommended to use those designed specifically for laminate floors. This will remove dirt or stains that may have accumulated over time. 

It is always best to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning products and techniques to ensure you use the most suitable methods for your specific laminate flooring.

Limitations of DIY Cleaning Methods

While DIY cleaning methods can certainly assist in maintaining the cleanliness of your laminate floors, it is important to acknowledge their limitations. Even though DIY can be effective to some extent, it may not always provide the desired results when removing stubborn stains or deep-seated dirt. 

It is crucial to exercise caution and avoid improper cleaning techniques, such as using excessive water or harsh chemicals, as these can potentially cause irreversible damage to your floors. 

Significant time and effort is spent on DIY cleaning methods, which may not be feasible for everyone due to various constraints and commitments.

What to Look for in a Professional Laminate Floor Cleaning Company

When it comes to selecting a professional laminate floor cleaning company, several crucial factors should be considered. First and foremost, try picking a company with a proven track record and enough positive customer reviews to leave a good impression. 

These reviews serve as a testament to their reliability and indicate the high quality of their services. It is of utmost importance to ensure that the company is fully licensed and insured, as this gives you the peace of mind you deserve in the event of any unforeseen issues. 

It is also highly recommended that you inquire about the specific cleaning products and techniques that the company employs. Ideally, they should utilize eco-friendly products that are not only effective but also safe for both your family and pets, ensuring a healthy and clean living environment for all.


The Process of Professional Laminate Floor Cleaning

Professional cleaning technicians typically use several steps to ensure they provide you with the best results. 


Firstly, the experts will meticulously inspect your floors, carefully assessing their condition and identifying any specific cleaning needs. When they examine the place, they can customize their approach and address any particular issues that may be present. 

Deep Cleaning

Once the assessment is complete, specialized equipment, such as rotary machines or steam cleaners, will be utilized to deep clean the floors. These powerful tools effectively remove dirt, stains, and scratches that may have accumulated over time, restoring the floors to their original luster. 

Protective Coating

Usually, as the last step, professionals will apply a protective coating or sealant to protect your floors from future damage and prolong their lifespan. The additional layer is used as a shield to safeguard the floors against harmful debris. 


The experts will then provide personalized recommendations for ongoing maintenance, ensuring that your laminate floors remain in optimal condition for years.

Common Misconceptions About Laminate Floor Cleaning

Several misconceptions about laminate floor cleaning can lead to improper care and maintenance. One common misconception is that laminate floors do not require any particular cleaning. While the truth is that they are relatively easy to clean, they still need regular maintenance to preserve their appearance and longevity. 

It is important to understand that laminate floors, although low-maintenance, still need proper care to ensure their durability and aesthetic appeal over time. Another misconception is that excessive water is safe for laminate floors. However, this is not the case. 

Too much water can cause damage to the flooring by seeping into the seams and compromising its integrity. Therefore, it is essential to exercise caution and use minimal water when cleaning laminate floors. It is also essential to promptly wipe up any spills or excess moisture to prevent any potential harm. 

Final Words

Regular maintenance and professional laminate floor cleaning services are crucial for your floors’ long-lasting beauty and durability. Investing in professional cleaning ensures that your laminate floors remain clean and well-maintained. 

A reputable and experienced company offers peace of mind by using safe and effective cleaning products and techniques. Laminate floors continue to shine and retain their luster through proper care and maintenance. 

Higher Standard is an expert cleaning company that always makes sure that your home is provided with thorough cleaning and care. Our team of experts is ready to offer you exceptional service and ensure that your floors receive the attention they deserve.

Don’t hesitate to contact our professional laminate floor cleaning services today to schedule an appointment and experience the numerous benefits of expert care for your floors.

Vinyl Flooring Care: How to Keep Your Vinyl Floors Looking Fresh

TL;DR: Vinyl flooring is a popular choice for homeowners due to its durability and versatility. To keep your vinyl floors looking fresh, follow these top tips including regular cleaning, using protective mats, avoiding excessive water, and scheduling professional cleaning. Higher Standards Carpet Cleaning offers expert advice and services to help maintain your vinyl floors for long-lasting beauty.

Vinyl flooring is renowned for its durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal, making it a popular choice for homeowners worldwide. Whether you’ve opted for vinyl plank, tile, or sheet flooring, understanding how to care for it properly is essential to maintain its pristine appearance and prolong its lifespan. With the right maintenance routine and expert advice, such as that provided by Higher Standards Carpet Cleaning, you can ensure your vinyl floors retain their fresh look for years to come. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top tips and step-by-step strategies for effective vinyl flooring care.

Top 10 Tips for Preserving the Pristine Look of Your Vinyl Floors

  1. Regular Cleaning: Establish a routine of sweeping or vacuuming your vinyl floors to eliminate dust, dirt, and debris that can cause scratches over time.
  2. Gentle Mopping: Opt for a damp mop paired with a mild vinyl floor cleaner to tackle stubborn stains and spills. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that could damage the vinyl surface.
  3. Protective Mats and Rugs: Place mats or rugs strategically at entryways and high-traffic areas to prevent dirt and grit from being tracked onto your vinyl flooring. Ensure these mats have non-staining backings to prevent discoloration.
  4. Avoid Excessive Water: While vinyl flooring is water-resistant, excessive moisture can seep into seams and edges, leading to damage. Promptly wipe up spills and refrain from using a wet mop.
  5. Use Furniture Pads: Safeguard your vinyl flooring from scratches and dents caused by furniture legs by placing felt pads underneath. This precaution is particularly crucial when moving or rearranging furniture.
  6. Trim Pet Nails: Keep your furry friends’ nails trimmed to prevent scratches and marks on your vinyl flooring, preserving its pristine appearance.
  7. Avoid Rubber Backed Mats: While mats are beneficial for protecting your floors, avoid those with rubber backings as they can cause discoloration over time. Opt for non-staining alternatives.
  8. Protective Coatings: Consider applying a protective coating or sealant to your vinyl floors to enhance their durability and resistance to wear and tear.
  9. Regular Inspections: Routinely inspect your vinyl flooring for signs of wear, damage, or loose edges. Addressing issues promptly can prevent further damage and maintain the floor’s integrity.
  10. Professional Cleaning: Schedule periodic professional cleaning and maintenance services with reputable companies like Higher Standards Carpet Cleaning to keep your vinyl floors in optimal condition.

The Ultimate Guide to Vinyl Flooring Maintenance: A Step-by-Step Approach

Proper maintenance of your vinyl flooring requires a systematic approach to cleaning and care. Follow these steps for comprehensive maintenance:

  1. Preparation: Before you begin, clear the floor of any obstacles or furniture to facilitate thorough cleaning and access all areas.
  2. Dust and Debris Removal: Start by sweeping or vacuuming the entire floor surface to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris. Pay special attention to corners and edges where dirt tends to accumulate.
  3. Spot Cleaning: Address any stains or spills promptly using a mild vinyl floor cleaner and a soft cloth or sponge. Avoid abrasive scrubbers that could scratch the vinyl surface.
  4. Damp Mopping: Fill a bucket with warm water and a small amount of vinyl floor cleaner. Use a damp mop to clean the entire floor, working in small sections. Rinse the mop frequently and change the cleaning solution as needed.
  5. Drying: Once the floor is clean, use a dry mop or towel to remove any excess moisture and ensure thorough drying. This step is crucial to prevent water damage and maintain the integrity of the vinyl flooring.
  6. Optional: Buffing or Polishing: For added shine and protection, consider buffing or polishing your vinyl floors using a suitable product recommended by the manufacturer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully for best results.
  7. Regular Maintenance: Repeat the cleaning process regularly to keep your vinyl floors looking fresh and well-maintained. Establishing a consistent maintenance schedule will help preserve the beauty and longevity of your floors.

Mastering Vinyl Flooring Care: Strategies for Long-Lasting Beauty

Achieving long-lasting beauty with vinyl flooring requires a combination of proactive care and preventive measures. Here are some additional strategies to master vinyl flooring care:

  1. Routine Maintenance Schedule: Establish a regular maintenance schedule for cleaning and care, taking into account factors such as foot traffic, environmental conditions, and the specific needs of your vinyl flooring.
  2. Protective Measures: Implement preventive measures such as using furniture pads, mats, and rugs to minimize wear and tear on the vinyl surface. These protective barriers will help maintain the appearance and integrity of your floors over time.
  3. Temperature and Humidity Control: Maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels in your home to prevent expansion, contraction, and warping of vinyl flooring. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can lead to damage, so it’s essential to keep these factors in check.
  4. Avoid Sharp Objects: Keep sharp objects such as high heels, heavy furniture, and pet claws away from the vinyl flooring to prevent scratches and damage. Encourage household members to handle objects with care to preserve the pristine look of your floors.
  5. Reactive Maintenance: Address any issues or damage to the vinyl flooring promptly to prevent further deterioration and maintain its appearance and functionality. Whether it’s a small scratch or a loose edge, taking immediate action can prevent larger problems down the line.
  6. Professional Maintenance: Invest in professional cleaning and maintenance services from reputable companies like Higher Standards Carpet Cleaning to enhance the longevity and performance of your vinyl flooring. Professional cleaners have the expertise and equipment to deep clean and revitalize your floors, ensuring they look their best for years to come.

By mastering these strategies and following expert advice from Higher Standards Carpet Cleaning, you can achieve long-lasting beauty and preserve the pristine look of your vinyl floors for years to come.

Final Thoughts

Vinyl flooring offers a durable and attractive flooring solution for any home, but proper care and maintenance are essential to keep it looking fresh and beautiful. By incorporating the top tips and comprehensive strategies outlined in this guide, along with expert advice from Higher Standards Carpet Cleaning, you can ensure your vinyl floors retain their pristine appearance and withstand the test of time. Establish a regular maintenance routine, address issues promptly, and invest in professional cleaning services when needed to keep your vinyl floors in optimal condition. With the right care and attention, your vinyl floors will continue to enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal for years to come.


How do I prevent scratches on my vinyl floors?

To prevent scratches on your vinyl floors, consider using furniture pads under the legs of heavy furniture to distribute weight evenly and minimize pressure points. Additionally, avoid dragging heavy items across the floor and keep pet nails trimmed to prevent accidental scratching. Using doormats at entryways can also help trap dirt and debris, reducing the risk of scratches from abrasive particles.

Can I use a steam mop on vinyl flooring?

While vinyl flooring is water-resistant, using a steam mop can introduce excessive moisture, which may seep into the seams and edges, causing damage over time. It’s best to avoid steam mops and opt for a damp mop with a mild vinyl floor cleaner instead. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning and maintenance to preserve the integrity of your vinyl floors.

How often should I professionally clean my vinyl floors?

The frequency of professional cleaning for vinyl floors depends on factors such as foot traffic, environmental conditions, and the level of soiling. As a general guideline, consider scheduling professional cleaning every 6 to 12 months to remove embedded dirt, grime, and stains, and to revitalize the appearance of your floors. Reputable companies like Higher Standards Carpet Cleaning can provide tailored recommendations based on your specific needs.

Can I use bleach or ammonia-based cleaners on vinyl flooring?

It’s best to avoid using bleach or ammonia-based cleaners on vinyl flooring, as they can cause discoloration, damage the surface, and compromise the integrity of the material. Instead, opt for mild vinyl floor cleaners specifically formulated for vinyl surfaces. Always test any cleaning product in an inconspicuous area first and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure the best results without risking damage to your vinyl floors.

Cold Season, Clean Surfaces: Tips for Winter Laminate Maintenance

This article will discuss 4 essential topics related to proper laminate floor care during the winter months: understanding laminate’s resistance to winter elements, establishing daily cleaning routines, addressing winter-specific laminate stains and marks, and protecting laminate from temperature fluctuations. Learning to properly care for your laminate flooring during the winter months can save time and money, and extend the life of your flooring.

Understanding Laminate’s Resistance to Winter Elements

Understanding laminate’s resistance to winter elements is essential to ensure its longevity and practicality in winter climates. Laminate is a highly popular flooring option due to its affordability, ease of maintenance, and water resistance; however, its resistance to winter elements can be more varied. Laminate’s effectiveness in winter environments depends largely on the specific construction and type. Furthermore, the thickness and quality of the material used should also be taken into consideration.

On the other hand, some types of laminate are more resistant to winter elements than others. In particular, laminate constructed with multi-layer particleboard is typically more resistant to moisture, warping, and other damage due to cold temperatures. Varieties made with several layers of paperboard are also more effective in resisting winter elements. These laminates tend to be more durable, allowing them to endure wetness penetration, snow, and ice.

In addition, certain laminates include a plastic protective layer that provides additional a waterproof layer. These laminates are especially effective at resisting winter elements, as the plastic layer helps to repel liquid and prevent it from absorption. When choosing a laminate flooring for winter climates, it is important to consider the thickness and construction of the material. Additionally, the presence of a protective plastic layer can provide added resistance to moisture and other types of damage.

Consequently, it is important to understand the particular advantages and disadvantages of different laminates in order to ensure optimal performance in winter climates. Although the cost and aesthetics are important considerations, the ability to effectively resist winter elements should also be weighed when making a decision. By understanding the various components that influence a laminate’s resistance to winter elements, one can make an informed decision and find the best laminate for their specific situation.

Daily Laminate Cleaning Routines for Winter Months

Taking a few extra minutes to implement a daily laminate cleaning routine specific to winter months and the added challenges cold weather poses can be well worth the effort. During the colder months, humidity levels tend to stay low and increase the amount of static electricity kept inside most homes and offices. Regularly dusting off the laminate surface with a soft cloth is the first step to build the routine. As dirt and dust can build up on the flooring, it is important to vacuum the area twice a week. It is also important to use suction only and a soft or hard floor setting. However, using the beater bar with the brush turned off is strongly recommended for the best performance.

Using a laminate floor cleaner specifically designed for these flooring types is also recommended. Laminate floor cleaners come in liquid form and it is important to always read the directions first before using it. Solutions of water and vinegar can also be used in a moist mop. Avoiding soaking the laminate with water should be avoided and wet spots mopped up quickly and thoroughly. For tougher spots, a denatured rubbing alcohol solution shouldn’t be used on laminate because denatured alcohol is used to strip finishes and will dull the surface over time.

On the other hand, a 50/50 water and rubbing alcohol solution is acceptable in small amounts. Take a look at the manufacturer’s website or contact customer service if you are unsure of what products to use. In addition, using window cleaning products such as Windex should be avoided, as it can erode the finish on the laminate floor and leave a streaky appearance. Furniture coasters and non-staining mats can help to protect laminate surfaces from wearing and scratches, and doing a regular deep cleaning every six months can also help to keep the floors looking nice.

Following the proper winter cleaning routine for laminate flooring is not just about shining up the surface. Keeping the floors dry and free of dirt and grime can also extend the life and keep it looking like new for years to come. For instance, the best way to prevent dirt and grime from building up is to put a doormat at each entrance so that people can clean their feet or take off their shoes before entering. Regularly cleaning or replacing doormats can help to keep dirt from being tracked in.

Similarly, another challenge that winter months present is ice and snow melted from boots and shoes before entering the building. To prevent water stains or fading, it is important to remove the moisture as soon as possible. As a result, it is important to mop any areas with water and dirt as quickly as possible in order to preserve the laminate’s finish.

Consequently, besides the moisture from ice and snow, outside trees and plants tend to drop on the floor and cause stains. During the winter, branches can be very brittle and if stepped on, can make a mess and leave marks on the laminate. Cleaning and removing debris from the surface at least once a day can help to preserve the clean look of the floor.

Addressing Winter-specific Laminate Stains and Marks

Laminates are extremely popular materials used for flooring and other surfacing around the home, so taking care of them during winter months becomes especially important. In order to effectively address any winter-specific marks and stains, there are general guidelines that should be followed. Firstly, the source of the mark should be identified as it is important to avoid any further damage, especially if the cause of the stain is something like melted snow. It is also important to ensure the surface is clean and dry before attempting any cleaning procedure.

However, there are several changes that could be specific to an individual’s floor, depending on installation and type of laminate used. If the laminate is 100% water-resistant, one should not use any type of liquid cleaner as it can cause water-related damage. On the other hand, non-water-resistant laminates may benefit from the use of a mild detergent solution – for example, one part detergent to two parts water – with periodic wringing of the cloth used to clean the surface.

Regardless of the laminate type, it is important to remember to use proper precautionary measures such as wearing gloves, using eye protection, and supporting the floor with something like a tarp while cleaning. It is recommended to address any winter issues as soon as they arise as they could permanently damage the laminates. Similarly, a floor humidifier should be used in areas that experience dry winters as this can help reduce any accompanying problems such as shrinking or cracking laminates.

In contrast, during winter months a laminate surface should not be mopped in order to avoid the development of mold, however a vacuum cleaner can safely be used. A vacuum cleaner is especially useful for removing dirt, dust and pet hair that may stick to the surface during this time of the year. As a result, it is possible to maintain laminates in good condition during winter months by taking the correct precautions and cleaning regularly, using the proper techniques and cleaning solutions. Consequently, knowing these techniques is extremely important when taking care of laminates during the wintertime.

Protecting Laminate from Temperature Fluctuations

Protecting laminate from temperature fluctuations is an important step in ensuring it can last for many years or even decades. Laminate flooring is one of the most popular materials for floor coverings because it is both durable and inexpensive. However, it is important to take steps to protect it from temperature changes. Excessive temperature change in laminate can cause the boards to expand and contract, which can cause warping and damage to the flooring.

Extreme temperatures can also cause the glue that holds the panels together to break down or become brittle, resulting in gaps forming between the boards. This can be especially damaging in homes with large temperature changes, such as homes along the coast with substantial temperature variations in the summer and winter months.

On the other hand, there are several steps that homeowners can take to protect laminate from temperature fluctuations. The first is to install laminate flooring with an adequate expansion margin. This will allow the flooring to expand and contract depending on the temperature more easily. Additionally, installing foam or rubber pads under the laminate will also help to cushion against any temperature changes.

In addition, it is important to monitor the surrounding area for any changes in humidity. If the humidity rises or falls too much, it can affect the expansion of the flooring. Furthermore, vents should be installed in areas with large temperature fluctuations, such as windows, providing improved air flow and helping to prevent dramatic temperature changes.

For instance, laminate can be protected from temperature changes by regularly cleaning the flooring and ensuring the surrounding area is cool and free from humidity. Additionally, furniture or rugs should be placed carefully on the flooring in order to keep the surface even and avoid warping.

Similarly, ensuring the appropriate temperature settings in any climate control systems is also essential. Air conditioners and furnaces should not reach temperatures too far from neutral or the excessive changes can cause damage to the flooring.

There are several steps that homeowners can take to ensure that their laminate flooring is protected from temperature fluctuations. With the proper care and attention, laminate flooring can last for many years to come. As a result, the cost of installation can be a worthwhile investment, providing an attractive and durable floor covering. Taking the necessary steps to protect laminate from temperature fluctuations is an essential part of ensuring it lasts for many years.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, laminate flooring can be treated to resist the harsh winter elements if proper routines, cleaning processes, and precautions are consistently maintained. These processes include cleaning the laminate daily with a slightly damp mop or cloth, addressing winter-specific stains and marks quickly by taking into account the type of laminate and substance causing the stain, and protecting the laminate from temperature fluctuations by using runners or mats in addition to keeping an indoor, consistent temperature. By implementing all of these practices, laminate flooring can withstand the winter and remain in good condition. If you have any questions or need professional cleaning call Higher Standards for your Laminate Floors!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does winter’s dry air affect laminate flooring?

Winter’s dry air can cause laminate flooring to contract, leading to spaces forming in between the planks. This can also lead to sagging and bowing of the planks. To prevent this, it is recommended to take steps such as using a humidifier or keeping a pot of water with a lid on it near the flooring to help add moisture to the air and keep the flooring at a consistent temperature.

What solutions can help remove salt stains from laminate?

To remove salt stains from laminate, try a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Using a soft cloth, gently rub the area to absorb the stain. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes, then blot it off with a soft, dry cloth. If the stain persists, you may need to use a stronger solution such as white vinegar or baking soda mixed with water. Apply the mixture and let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe off with a damp cloth.

Is it safe to use heated flooring systems with laminate?

Yes, it is safe to use heated flooring systems with laminate. Because most laminate flooring is constructed with a melamine backing, water dispersing, and heat resistant, it is designed to resist the higher temperature associated with a heated floor. However, be sure to check the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that your particular product is suitable for this application.

How often should I clean my laminate floors in winter?

Laminate floors should be cleaned on a regular basis throughout the winter months. Depending on how much traffic the floors receive, you may need to clean them weekly or bi-weekly. Every other week, vacuum or sweep the floors to remove any dirt and debris. Then, use a damp cloth or mop and a mild detergent to spot clean any spills or stains. Be sure to dry the floor with a clean towel after mopping.